■ iOS device
🌸View Used Mobile Data
“Settings” ➔ “Cellular”
➔ “Current Period” shows the total mobile data usage for the current period.
Scroll down to see the mobile data usage for individual apps.

🌸Reset Statistics Before Viewing
“Settings” ➔ “Cellular”➔ scroll to “Reset Statistics” to reset the mobile data usage for the “Current Period” to 0. 📢If you want to view the mobile data usage for a different SIM, please first switch the “Cellular Data” SIM.

■ Android device
The Android system may have different screens and operation methods depending on the brand and model. Here, we will explain how to check mobile data usage using the Galaxy A55 as an example.
🌸View Data Usage
“Settings”➔”Connections”➔”Data usage”
You can view the total amount of mobile data used in the current billing cycle.

🌸Set Billing Cycle Before Viewing Statistics
“Settings”➔”Connections”➔”Data usage”➔”Billing cycle and data warning”➔to reset the mobile data usage statistics.